I have been searching for that best friend that I always can have in my life and she has been there for me since the day I was born.. my sister Cassie. She is and will always been my best friend. Always there for me, tell me what I need to hear not what I want to hear and someone that I can always have fun with. I know that I can always count on her. Something that has truly been shown to me through out the last couple of months even before I left. I love that I have that person in my life. I was searching and searching and she was always there for me. I have been so blind to something that has been right in front of me for years and I know that my sister will always be my best friend. I love her to death and thank God for such a great sister. This whole experience has drawn us closer and I am loving every moment of it.{Connection to game..have a name (best friend) been searching and was there all along}
I have been observing the people around me and the lives of others. I have seen hurt and frustration along with pain. I know the things that I have seen and know in my heart of hearts that I do not want that to happen to me. I hear and watch what has been done and know that I do not want to feel that way ever. Knowing everything and seeing what I want to avoid for my own life...I eventually do the same thing to myself. I see the life I do not want but then live that life. Hurt and frustration that leads to pain all brought on by me. {Connection to game..knowing who is after you and avoiding that person}
Last discovering.. the main point of the game and I have discovered the amazing life I have back home. I have a wonderful family, awesome friends and the BEST church anyone can ask for. I have a foundation that has made me the person that I am today. I know that all of those things has made me strong in many ways and now I know that I can be without them but I know that they will always be there for me. I discovered who I really am and love that I know who I am. {Connection to game..discovering your person and getting that "kill"}
I am so thankful for this trip and now know the reason of it. I have been growing as a person more than I could have ever imagined. And am becoming a better person. This has been a big thing for me and wanted to share. Love to everyone
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