So the first part of my break was in a town called Tamworth about 3 and half hours away from Newcastle. Tamworth is a very counrty town. I took a picture with a giant golden guitar. It was fun and different to see small towns. They are the counrty music city in australia. We saw the different little spots in the town and then just hung out for the most part. Its was super sweet that on easter morning, My unit mates dad had brought us a little thing of chocolate for easter. It was nice and so was the rest of the family.
So.. something awesome.. is I have started to love watching rugby league. There are a couple of guys from my college (dorm) that play for the University Rugby League. Im starting to understand the game and people are entertaining at the game. It is the big sport here just like American football back in the states. But rugby is crazy..people getting hit and stepped on and all that with no pads!! crazy crazy. Funny story.. I have been watching since the 3rd week of being in Aus. and it took me up until this last week to figure out the scoring system.. I didnt actually figure it out I asked a friend.. and a bunch of rugby players were around and they laughed a little at me. But it was fun now I know a Try(score) is 5 points and Extra Points(kick) is 2 points. I am loving the game
Things to come... I will hopefully be making my way down to sydney with a friend in the next two weeks. and May 6th-11th I will be in New Zealand!!!!! Cant wait for that trip. It should be tons of fun.
Thats it from down under
Love everyone
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